Saturday, October 19, 2024

When responding to cyber threats becomes instinctive

When the cyber security community is faced with critical vulnerabilities in widely used software, a decisive and clear response is necessary. This was evident earlier this year when ConnectWise issued a security advisory for versions below 23.9.8 of their on-prem ScreenConnect product, citing two vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-1709 and CVE-2024-1708) and urging immediate patching.

The Huntress team quickly sprang into action upon learning of these vulnerabilities, working to develop a proof of concept exploit dubbed “SlashAndGrab”. With more than 8,800 vulnerable ConnectWise servers identified, the team created a temporary hot-fix and provided clear instructions for users to address the issue.

In times of crisis, cyber teams must utilize their expertise to accelerate response and remediation efforts. By establishing clear roles, communication channels, and playbooks, teams can navigate major incidents effectively. The Huntress team took proactive measures to inform partners, provide detection guidance, and release a hot-fix to mitigate the vulnerabilities.

By taking bold action and prioritizing communication and collaboration, cyber teams can play a critical role in protecting the community from cyber threats. The Huntress team’s swift and coordinated response serves as a model for how cyber teams can effectively address critical vulnerabilities and safeguard against potential attacks.